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Chenee Marrapodi

Emily Sun: Vociferate

To celebrate poetry month, Perth poet Emily Sun discusses the inspiration behind her debut collection, Vociferate, how to get poems published, translanguage text and why you should never throw out your old journals.

Emily Sun was born in Hong Kong and moved to England when she was three, before migrating to Perth with her family in the early 1980s.

Her poetry and prose have been published in various journals and anthologies, including Cordite Poetry Review, Meinjin, Growing up Asian in Australia, Mascara Literary Review, Westerly and Australian Poetry Journal.

Vociferate is her debut poetry collection, published this year by Fremantle Press.

Australian Poetry Month is a new initiative presented by Red Room Poetry to increase the profile of Australian poetry, poets and publishers. Throughout the month, a range of community events, workshops and collaborations will be taking place across the country. Head to to find out more.


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